Thermal Management

Creative Materials develops, manufactures and markets specialty chemical products to customers worldwide.
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Thermal management has become increasingly important in modern electronics design as electronic components generate a significant amount of heat – CPUs, power diodes, power transistors are some examples, as is LED lighting.

The properties of 109-12 are ideal for most thermal management applications. This product has low viscosity, reducing air entrapment and allowing for minimal product application, which keeps thermal resistance low. 109-12 is one-component low-stress epoxy, with low shrinkage during curing, and exceptional resistance to thermal-cycling. Similar products are 108-50111-17 and 125-31C. Creative Materials’ 122-07(SP) features excellent thermal stability, outstanding chemical resistance and excellent high temperature properties. The thermal cure cycle produces cross-linked, void free bonds. Another effective thermal management product is 122-39(SD), a syringe-dispensable, 100% solids, thermally conductive, electrically insulating, one-component, epoxy adhesive, featuring excellent thermal stability, outstanding chemical resistance and excellent high temperature properties.

Product Description Application method Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Modulus Pot life
109-12 Thermally conductive, best for thermal mismatches and thermal cycling. Syringe dispense 5.65 High/Moderate Latent
122-07(SP) B-stageable, high thermal conductivity adhesive Screen-print 5.5 High Latent
127-15(SD) Syringe dispensable thermally conductive flexible die attach epoxy adhesive Syringe dispense 5.5 High 2 weeks
125-31FPC One component, fine particle low temperature curing thermally conductive epoxy adhesive with excellent thermal shock resistance. Syringe dispense 5.5 Moderate 4 days
122-39(SD) Thermally conductive Die attach adhesive Syringe dispense 5.5 High Latent
122-07-F B-staged, thermally conductive adhesive film adhesive Transfer Film 5.5 High Latent
127-03 Highly thermally conductive epoxy adhesive, B-Stageable Screen-print 4.3 Moderate Latent
127-31 Elastomeric, flexible thermally conductive adhesive/potting compound Syringe dispense 3.0 Low Latent
117-49 B-stageable, thermally conductive coating and adhesive Pad print 0.52 High/Moderate Latent
122-29 Low stress, thermally conductive epoxy adhesive Syringe dispense 0.35 High Latent
126-40 Flexible fine feature epoxy adhesive Jet Dispense/Screen-print 7.5 Moderate Latent
121-47 Electrically conductive/thermally conductive via filling paste. Stencil/Syringe dispense 12.0 High 4 days
102-32G1 Flexible electrically/thermally conductive adhesive, lower resistivity version of 102-32 Syringe dispense 12.7 Low Latent